Lineedge Preview 2.4
unknown traveller! Here you can view the information about Lineedge
Preview 2.4. This game was not published but you can view the
changes list, screenshots and/or videos.
With the help of a special cheat code, you can skip the first
uninteresting tasks.
Added automatic materials, thanks to which the landscape is
covered with grass, steep hillsides - with stones, in the city and
especially in the houses there is no "upper"
three-dimensional grass, and there is sand in the rivers and near
Added full skeletal animation. What, didn't wait?
Added enemies called BHT, which are able to hide in special hills
(which at first I wanted to buy, as for me, very expensive, but then
I found a cheaper option - this is what you can see in the game) and
very quickly run away from blows.
You can adjust the graphics settings, there are 5 levels available -
extremely low, very low, low, medium and good graphics. The default
is low, but you can change this at any time in the game menu.
By clicking on a player, you can see his level and health scale.
Unfortunately, you cannot click on enemies yet.
- Added common superclass for the
player and the enemy - "fighting character". This is a
very important technical improvement, since now the ability can be
applied not only by the player to the enemy, but potentially also by
the enemy to the player, and by the player to the player, and
theoretically even by the enemy to the enemy (another question is
that there is no point in this). In addition, an effect can now be
applied to the player, and in the future all other types of fighting
interactions will apply to both the player and the enemy.
Fixed a bug due to which after death and the following return to the
city the mesh of the weapon was reset - it became again VILO or OMB.
Radically fixed a bug with the selection of an incorrect item in the
list of tasks.
While swimming, the character's top is now above the water. In
addition, a bug has been fixed, due to which, if two players were
swimming side by side, each saw himself rotated, and the other
standing upright.
The copyrights have been supplemented and are now displayed in a
separate window, and a button to go to them has been added to the
main menu.
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